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Author: admin
30 Days Comcs: Day 19
30 Days Comics: Day 18
yeah. . . I’m a little behind. . .
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30 Days Comics: Day 15
Woo Hoo!  I made 4 whole panels today!
This will make a whole lot more sense in a few days.¬† Its the beginning of a comics pantoum.¬† (I’ve experimented with this before in Dodo #2.)

30 Days Comics: Day 17

30 Days Comics: Day 16
30 Days Comics: Day 14
30 Days Comics: Day 13
Another sketchy comic. I’ll rework it someday.
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30 Days Comics: Day 12
30 Days Comics: Day 11
I’ve been at a conference all day and I’m going back tomorrow. I often lay out my thumbnails in photoshop these days, so here’s a thumbnail of what today’s page might have looked like.
I also went back and revised the last panel I posted yesterday to give that page more closure.
If this story turns out to be any good, I’ll go back and redraw and hand letter today’s page.
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