This comic has been censored in order to comply with FCC regulations
2 Live Crew song edited for radio
This comic has been censored in order to comply with FCC regulations
2 Live Crew song edited for radio
The window behind Peter is based on one by Bernini 
screenshot of the colors for a stained glass window
Here are the colors I mentioned earlier combined with the final inks
Roughs on tracing paper and transfered to the Bristol Board using ballpoint pen and blue chalk
Inspired by the 1962 film, a dynamic watercolor painting of the King Kong battling Godzilla.
Watercolor paint and colored pencil on 3.5″ x 2.5″ 140 lb. Cold Press watercolor paper.
Here’s a thumbnail drawing from a page in My Life In Records no. 4¬†comic book
Desk shot- writing the script for My Life In Records no. 4
Tom has his mask off more in My Life In Records no. 4
I’m Back! Here’s the tentative cover to My Life In Records no. 4
In 1962, Marvel Comics introduced the Mighty Thor to the pages of Journey Into Mystery #83.
As a kid, I had discovered Norse and Greek mythology in the 4th grade and a year later stumbled onto some reprints of Tales of Asgard. ¬†I quickly read the whole volume in an afternoon. ¬†While Marvel’s version of Thor was pretty different than the source material, it was close enough to capture my imagination.