Category: Blog
Elderly Forest Guardian
I sketched¬†this little Forest Guardian inspired by photography series by Karoline Hjorth’s body of work,¬†Eyes As Big As Plates.
Levitating Nun with a Yo Yo from my new comic: Levitating Nuns
This is a page from my latest little comic Levitating Nuns which is available for purchase in my storenvy store.
Happy Birthday, Max Fleischer!
Happy birthday to Max Fleischer. To celebrate, I made a watercolor painting of one of the comic strip characters he brought to life, Popeye the sailor.
Throwback Thursday: The Walter Boyd Band
For those of you reading along since 2003, you may remember that I was once involved in music. ¬†The earliest band I was in was called The Walter Boyd Band, which was a one-man-band (me) with another person’s name. ¬†(Kinda like Jethro Tull). ¬†I was the only one who understood my own joke, but “we” did put out one album.
Here’s the cover I made in 2008 for an attempt a 5 year anniversary reissue.
Princess Mononoke
A sketch of Princess Mononoke made with a Pentel Color Brush Pen and crappy colored pencils from my daughters’ art supply box.
Levitating Nuns – Handmade Accordion Fold Book and Envelope
While I was teaching a comic book class for Upper Elementary and Middle School students, I doodled some little gags about levitating nuns.  I turned it into this little book which is now available in my store for $4.00.
Baba Yaga’s Hut
I was always intrigued by the imagery of Baba Yaga’s hut. ¬†I started playing with it a bit one day in my sketchbook. ¬†I kept adding layers of tracing paper to the sketch and refining the image.
Finally, I took the top layer and put it on a light box.  I inked it on a sheet of bristol board.
The image still seemed lacking, so I brought it into Photoshop and added layers of creepy tree branches to act as a frame of sorts.
Forest Guardian
Throwback Thursday – June 26, 2014
Here’s what I was doing around this time last year:
Grant Thomas draws Green Arrow in his sketchbook (and uses the Book of Common Prayer as a paper weight)
45 minutes of drawing compressed into 6 minutes