Color Sonnet coming tomorrow

I love collecting little ‘zines, small press comics, and hand made comic books. Over the next few months, I’ll be posting pictures of the more interesting parts of my collection with a short write up about each piece.
Secondly, June 13 will be my last comic I’ll be posting until October 10. I’ll be putting patron payments on hold while there are no new comics.
I’ll still be posting public posts over the summer about mini comics and little glimpses of my drawing process.
As someone who has trouble putting his foot in his mouth, I resonated with Agatho’s quest to silence himself. ¬†Once again, I used the pantoum form to convey the monotony of time passing. ¬†Each frame roughly represents a month in the life of Agatho.
This is one of the manuscript pages I used as inspiration for the page layout.
See you bright and early tomorrow for new comic book day!
Demons are usually depicted as serpent-like or goat-like creatures.  However, I chose to make my demon have insect characteristics to show how the demon could persistently pester the hermit like a mosquito in the ear.  In my experience, temptation is rarely a big showdown with the end boss of a video game, but more like the incessant needling that you finally cave too after thousands of little pinches.
One of my favorite depictions of St. Anthony’s temptation is by Albrect D√ºrer.¬† First, because I love¬†anything¬†by Albrecht¬†D√ºrer, but secondly, because of the sheer imaginative diversity of monsters attacking poor St. Anthony.
See you bright and early tomorrow for new comic book day!